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Ravi Roy: Kent‘s Practical Repertory
Artikel-Nr.: B110
Preis inkl. MwSt.
Versandgewicht: 1.000 g

You will hold in your hands a repertory wich has been devised to fulfil your needs as a homoeopathic practitioner. We, as busy practitioners, often need to differentiate between two or more medicines on the basis of a certain "odd" symptom which the patient relates to us. This repertory will shorten your search for such symptoms regarding our important polychrests as also many important smaller medicines. Our confdence in the prescription will rise preceptively if, on looking up in our reference book - the repertory, we find that this symptom has proved its value in this and other conditions. The value ot the symptoms have been portrayed by the use of colours. Nosodes, sarcodes, and also imponderablia have immense value in innumerable cases in curing or clearing the path to cure, especially on the difficult ones. A wealth of highly important clinically proved symptoms of 50 such nosodes, sarcodes, and imponderablia have been added to this repertory, thankfully facilitating our task to a great degree. Under the Mind section you will find a fast amount of new information witch has never been published before, especially about the nosodes.

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